Posts Tagged ‘breast cancer’

Thursday Aug 29th, I witnessed a travesty of justice, a farce if you will, boys having to wear pink shirts in support of a cause most of them have no clue as to what they are supporting, or care about at this point, even if they were told. So my question is how are they supporting?

They’re not, it’s a sham, someone has discovered the breast cancer cash cow and now they are milking it. Wearing a pink shirt is not a show of support for breast cancer, especially if you are wearing it out of duty or guilt. It mocks the cause. Pink Breast Cancer Awareness shirts are here to make women aware of breast cancer. Boys do not have breast, and guess what, they are aware of it. How many parents are talking to their 9,10,11, or12, year old sons about breast cancer? Most haven’t even talked to their daughters.

My sons’ first encounter with the pink shirt demon was in grade school. They were told they had to wear them for a school event in support of breast cancer awareness. At this point neither of my boys were aware of what cancer was. The school did not supply any further understanding of this cause to the children that wore the shirts. FARCE. My boys chose not to, some classmates told them they were not being team players. I personally do not want my children blindly following anything without questioning the motives behind it. If my children do not wish to wear pink they shouldn’t have to. Boys have rights, just as girls. It seems the scales of our society has become out of balance in the last few years with the whole over-the-top women’s equality. Not only do we want to be equal, we want to prove we are better. So in the process of proving we’re better we have resolved to victimize our boys. And the fathers instead of defending their son’s right have decided to take a back seat.

I am writing this because yet again the UGLY PINK BEAST CANCER MALE DEVOURING SHIRT DEMON has reared her head. This time on my son’s sports team. Really, is there no end to this PINK shirt insanity! My son was to wear a PINK shirt in support of breast cancer awareness for a full month. Wouldn’t it have been better to donate this money to fund research? Trust me, this is how some women with breast cancer feel. They are tiered of everyone making money off their illness in the name of support. Besides, what exactly does forcing a group of boys to wear PINK shirt prove. That society can make boys wear PINK? What’s next a tutu? BOYS SPORTS TEAMS SHOULD NOT HAVE TO ENDURE SUCH LUNACY.

So I have decided unless there is a universal prostate cancer awareness brown jock strap day where girls have to wear brown jock straps over their shorts my sons will not be wearing PINK shirt in support of beast cancer awareness. It’s ridiculous to make boys wear PINK, unless they want to. And I am tired of people saying real men wear PINK. Real men wear whatever they want. I am happy to say my son went to practice today and didn’t have to wear a pink shirt.

Side note I am very much aware of male breast cancer.